Wounded Heart
In the flesh we all desire green pastures and sun shiny days, but no man really learns anything on a good day, only does a man learn anything of God on a dark day. What brings a soul to Jesus? What causes a man to humble himself unto our suffering savior? A wounded heart. Jesus mends all wounds, but before we can be healed from our wounds, we must die in the flesh, give our life and soul to Him... signifying the coffin handles sanded into the curly maple. We must bury ourselves in that coffin ridding of the old man. Let us behold Jesus, the savior of the world. For He healed our wounded hearts, but His was broken on that lonely mount, He was then buried in a tomb, burying our sins forever in the grave. Oh how great the price was for our souls. Jesus is good.
Steel: 8670 HC
Handle: Curly Maple
Pins: Brass
Weight: 7.2oz
OAL: 8.25"
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