Bring a story home
The selection below are currently available to purchase.
Please contact me for pricing.
Wounded Heart
What causes a man to humble himself unto our suffering savior? A wounded heart.
Lost Prarie
On the prairie of Colorado, a trapper came upon a beaded bag near the Poudre river, nothing else in sight, no signs of recent tracks...
The Calusa were a native tribe that lived on the sandy shores of southwest Florida. Meaning “fierce people,” they lived up to their name as a war-like people.
A remake of the first knife I ever made 12 years ago, this knife is nostalgic not only to me, but as a reminder of days of old on the frontier.
Great King
Bull elk have long been referred to as the king of the Rockies, and as a picture of endurance and patience by native tribes. If you've hunted them, you know they have endurance like no other and the patience of an old wise man.
Bacho is the Apache word for wolf, the ultimate predator. This knife is something fierce, it’s made to work, it’s made to be heard, it’s meant to be feared by its prey.